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Ramanujan Shodh Sansthan research internship

Ramanujan Shodh Sansthan research internship

Ramanujan Shodh Sansthan research internship,  Applications are invited for research internship starting in August 2018 for a period of 3 months within the Physics group of Ramanujan Shodh Sansthan. This internship program is funded by Scienceteen Education Pvt Ltd.

Appearing in  Bsc or Btech from I to 6th semester. in Physics, Mathematics or computer science. Candidates who are studying in 11 and 12 can also apply.

Ramanujan Shodh Sansthan research internship

Fellowship: 3000/ consolidated.
Interesting candidates should apply with a complete curriculum vitae providing information with their academic record, interests and internship experience if any preferably in pdf or doc format.
The selected candidates required to work on one of the area technical science articles, PHP and Android app development, General Relativity, latex research paper and book typing or analyzing the data of X-ray jet. This internship may be extended with the extension of fellowship on the basis of candidate performance.

Ramanujan Shodh Sansthan:

Ramanujan Shodh Sansthan is a society under society registration act and founded by Dr.H.K.Shengar in 2008 in the memory of Srinivasa Ramanujan and registered on 15th March 2014.

This society has been founded as a tribute to the great Indian Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. We aspire to popularize the life and works of this genius. It is a pity that the current generation of students hardly know about the prodigious mathematical work that Ramanujan had done in his very short lifespan .

Who could believe that an ordinary clerk who had no university education in mathematics could believe that an ordinary clerk who had no university education in mathematics could be given a place among the ranks of Gauss, Euler and Riemann the three of the greatest men in the history of mathematics?

It is pathetic that when most of the prestigious universities have a chair dedicated to Ramanujan in their mathematics departments, you can hardly find one in our universities. So, We have decided to work assiduously to instill the importance of Ramanujan’s work among the minds of our youth. This would be implemented by organizing seminars, mathematics quiz etc throughout the length and the breadth of the country.

Also, the society has decided to honour the best student in the annual mathematics Olympiad conducted at our premises, grants and scholarships. A library will be maintained to encourage students to pursue mathematical and physical sciences.

Lectures by university professors and active researchers will also be conducted for the above motive. In the future, our centre will grow into active research centre where higher research work in pure physical and mathematical sciences can be pursued.

Email your application by to latest by 1 July, 2018.
Candidate should also sent his or her research interest area at least 500 words.
Shortlisted candidates will be informed by email for interaction meeting with selection committee.

Rahul Aggrawal

I am a teacher and a theoretical physicist. Physics gives me pleasure and teaching physics gives me stable happiness. For More info visit

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